Red Bank Baptist is a bible believing church that emphasizes Worship and Discipleship. We strive to share the Gospel with everyone and desire to see people truly worship Jesus Christ and through that worship, grow closer to Him in their personal relationship.
Jesus said, “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” - Matthew 4:19
Our Vision
To be Disciples that are making Disciples to impact the Nations
A disciple is described by Jesus in Matthew 4:19 as a person that is following Jesus, being transformed by Jesus and has joined Jesus on His mission in the world.
A disciple is described by Jesus in Matthew 4:19 as a person that is following Jesus, being transformed by Jesus and has joined Jesus on His mission in the world.
Our Mission
To win the world for Christ, one person at a time, while developing disciples in a relational environment.
Our Core Values
Our Core Values reflect Our Mission, Our Vision, and Our Process.
Faithful – Relational – Transparent
Christ Centered – Servants
Faithful – Relational – Transparent
Christ Centered – Servants
Discipleship is a Process
As we grow in Christ we are transformed by Christ and move through the Discipleship Process.
A person grows as a disciple as they take steps of connection and commitment to Christ.
These are best represented at Red Bank Baptist by these four functions.
A person grows as a disciple as they take steps of connection and commitment to Christ.
These are best represented at Red Bank Baptist by these four functions.